Monthly Recipe & Meal Plan FULL Membership
Get FULL access to our 5 star rated recipe and meal plan membership
Transform your pet’s health, energy, weight and longevity with our number 1 recipe, health and meal planning program – created by pet nutritionists.
Get exclusive access to our catalog of recipes, our ebooks as well as instant access to new recipes added every quarter and meal plans
- Healthy Active Pet makes home cooking for dogs and cats easy, safe – and tasty
- Created by pet nutritionists for excellent nutrition & result
- Includes recipes & meal plans for dog weight management, dog performance & nutrition, sensitive dog and cat weight management
- Easy home-cooking recipes, personalised for your dog and cat, plus feeding guide
- All recipes have been formulated to meet the AAFCO standards
You’ll also get access to ALL health & wellness programs for all pets, VIP access to sales and launches, and access to our private group with animal expert Q & A’s.
We’ll also give you 5% OFF everything just for being a member!